Bob Higgins

Dealing with Republicans: The More Things Change…

Posted in Politics by Bob Higgins on October 6, 2012

Harry Gets a Laugh at the Trib’s Expense

Seldom a day goes by that I don’t hear nostalgic lamentations from the left about “modern republicans.” It’s as if we have forgotten the near domination of American politics by Republicans from the civil war and the rise of the robber barons through the gilded age and the depression, being  interrupted only in 1932 with the election of FDR. They remain the same old GOP.

Republicans and Democrats (or reasonable facsimiles)  have been fighting the same battles over the same issues for much of our history. Republicans have always been Republicans. I’m more nostalgic for the days when Democrats didn’t try so hard to pass themselves off as Republicans. We have all too many of those critters in the party today.

As an illustration here’s Harry Truman speaking on the stump for Hubert Humphrey in 1948:

Harry S. Truman: Address in St. Paul at the Municipal Auditorium October 13, 1948 (more…)

Taylor Marsh: Dems Duck Middle Class Tax Cut Fight

Posted in Guest Columns, Humor, News, Politics, Taylor Marsh by Bob Higgins on September 24, 2010

Harry was a Democrat with balls, Lauren Bacall is a Democrat with legs

Check out Taylor Marsh’s Huff Post piece on the Dem’s flight from a confrontation on the playground of slime. My thoughts on this disgrace below:

Just in case there was any question, FDR and Harry Truman are as dead as Jefferson and Madison, as dead as Generalissimo Franco.

Harry Truman once said this:

“I don’t like bipartisans. Whenever a fellow tells me he’s bipartisan, I know that he’s going to vote against me.”

Harry was thought to be showing signs of life but that’s just because he’s spinning in his grave while the Democrats are on life support following a long term bout with a terminal illness called “bipartisanship.”

Harry also said this:

“When voters are given a choice between voting for a Republican, or a Democrat who acts like a Republican, they’ll vote for the Republican every time.”

I’m going to the polls to vote for the dumb asses anyway. I hope I’m not lonely. What the hell, I’m a Cubs fan and a Browns fan…and…a Democrat.

Bob Higgins

Read the Article at Huffington Post

Throw Out The Hyenas of the Ruling Class

Posted in Politics by Bob Higgins on December 11, 2007

Is there anyone out there who still harbors the delusion that George Bush or most of his administration possesses the slightest shred of human integrity or the tiniest morsel of respect for the truth, for law, for the people of this country or any other?

Sorry, the question was rhetorical and asked out of personal frustration with the evil festering stew of lies, theft, brutality and domestic and international piracy that this administration has created in the place of what was once the USA.

No, I’m not naive enough to believe that we were ever a perfect country, free of guilt from participation in many and various Machiavellian schemes and plots over the last two centuries, the influence of the power lusts of private wealth have always had far too much influence in our public affairs to allow us to avoid responsibility for the results of our contributions to the general level of human misery. We have committed serious crimes against people in places as varied as Vietnam and Chile, and as far apart in space and time as Nicaragua and Iran.

In the generally business driven efforts to support the interests of entities such as United Fruit, Chiquita Banana, Anaconda, various oil giants, mining companies, and financial institutions we have gone to bat for tin horn dictators in Iran, Cuba, Chile, Cambodia and in other places to numerous to name here. Even the Mafia found support in the efforts to prop up the fascist pig Batista against communist pig Castro.

Much of our record has not been pretty and, in general, has usually favored and supported wealth and property over humanity and justice.

Revelations last week of more administration lies in the widening “Waterboardgate” scandal came as no surprise to most people and, although many expressed shock and dismay in public, the expressions of astonishment seemed to be presented for dramatic effect rather than as spontaneous displays of true emotion. When it comes to the current administration I don’t believe that there are many rose colored glasses left among the body politic, experience having taught us to assume the worst.

Even the families of the long suffering military who have borne the brunt of the aspirations to Empire of America’s transparently criminal ruling class over the last seven years are now beginning to break ranks with the “commander” who has squandered the lives of their loved ones and treated them with such contempt.


Election Secrets, Political Arcana, And Harry Truman In A Bottle

Posted in Politics by Bob Higgins on July 24, 2006

The Washington Post this morning ran an article,  “Bellwethers, Eight Issues That Will Shape The 2006 Elections”or one of a series of articles which is indicative of a coming surf tide of newsprint, virtual and otherwise, which will wash up on the shores of our collective consciousness over the next dozen or so weeks.

Predictions about the midterm election will curl whitely and proudly in the air and regularly and rhythmically slap our calm beaches until we are struck silly with predictions, expert opinions, and statistical analyses of the 06 election.
