Bob Higgins

Executive Orders

Posted in Politics by Bob Higgins on November 16, 2014
President[8][9] Number
Starting with
E.O. number[10]
George Washington 8 n/a
John Adams 1 n/a
Thomas Jefferson 4 n/a
James Madison 1 n/a
James Monroe 1 n/a
John Quincy Adams 3 n/a
Andrew Jackson 12 n/a
Martin van Buren 10 n/a
William Henry Harrison 0 n/a
John Tyler 17 n/a
James K. Polk 18 n/a
Zachary Taylor 5 n/a
Millard Fillmore 12 n/a
Franklin Pierce 35 n/a
James Buchanan 16 n/a
Abraham Lincoln 48
Andrew Johnson 79
Ulysses S. Grant 217
Rutherford B. Hayes 92
James Garfield 6
Chester Arthur 96
Grover Cleveland (first term) 113
Benjamin Harrison 143
Grover Cleveland (second term) 140
William McKinley 185
Theodore Roosevelt 1,081
William Howard Taft 724
Woodrow Wilson 1,803
Warren G. Harding 522
Calvin Coolidge 1,203
Herbert Hoover 968 5075
Franklin D. Roosevelt 3,522 6071
Harry S. Truman 907 9538
Dwight D. Eisenhower 484 10432
John F. Kennedy 214 10914
Lyndon B. Johnson 325 11128
Richard Nixon 346 11452
Gerald R. Ford 169 11798
Jimmy Carter 320 11967
Ronald Reagan 381 12287
George H.W. Bush 166 12668
Bill Clinton 364 12834
George W. Bush 291 13198
Barack Obama (as of 2014-06-20)[11] 182 13489

All presidents beginning with George Washington in 1789 have issued orders that in general terms can be described as executive orders. During the early period of the Republic, there was no set form with which such orders were required to comply, and consequently, such orders varied widely as to form and substance. From Wikipedia

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  1. hillcasey62296 said, on April 8, 2016 at 10:04 am

    u00c9 isso ai concordo com vc, no cu00e9u nu00e3o tem placa de igreja,O Senhor Jesus u00e9 nosso amigo verdadeiro e a missu00e3o dele tem valor no pe Click

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